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Digital Biomarker

We provide digital medical devices that extracts digital biomarkers from bio-signal and executes treatment.

Digital Therapeutics, DTx

Behavioral Intervention SW

We provide personalized digital care SW based on the digital biomarker analysis result

Technology undertaking lives of humanity suffering from aging and diseases to make them healthy

In the aging society, value of life is more depending on 'How-To' instead of 'How-Long.'

We are encountering various medical blind spots while healthcare still remains strongly as a location-based service, which one should always visit to get one. We are to digitaly innovate medical service which was highly dependent on the time and endeavor of a few medical specialists. For healthy aging beyond healthy life years for everyone, EXOSYSTEMS Inc.

Healthcare and Beyond

Technology for Your Healthy Life

Dermatological consultation

3 out of 1

Hospital Visitors with Musculoskeletal Disorder


Largest Market in Medical Demand of Aging Society:


1.71 Billion people

Suffer from Musculoskeletal Issues Worldwide

1/2 of Adults

in US Suffer from MSK Issues


of Your Muscle Degenerates from 30s to 80s

Musculoskeletal Disease

Doctor Using Digital Tablet_edited.jpg

ETRI spin-off

EXOSYSTEMS Inc. envisions a new paradigm of Digital Healthcare

Lifetime Partner for your Healthy Life


15. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital.jpg
Kyung Hee Medical Center_Signature left and right combination_Korean and English.png
18. Wonju Severance Christian Hospital logo.jpg
16. Pusan National University Hospital.png
11. KIST_CI.jpg
13. Korea Electrical Research Institute.png
12. KAIST logo.jpg
19. Dong-A University.jpg
14. Medipeace logo.jpg
9. Jungtap Community Welfare Center.png
6. Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency.jpg
8. Busan Techno Park.png
5. Seoul Industry Promotion Agency.png
7. Gangwon Industry Promotion Agency.jpg
4. Public Procurement Service logo.png
1. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.png
2. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.png
3. Ministry of Health and Welfare.png


sbi logo.png
LAGUNA investment.jpg
Korean left and right combination.jpg
1. SparkLabsIoT.jpg
2. CI_Kakaoventures_black.png

Join with EXOSYSTEMS Inc. to encounter

a New Paradigm of Digital Healthcare

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  • naverblog
  • kakaochannel

Address: Room# 803, A-dong 43, Changeop-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea


Tel : +82-31-701-9088   E-mail :


© 2023 EXOSYSTEMS all right reserved

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